Monday, February 28, 2011
02/28/11 Nancy's Magnolia
Sunday, February 27, 2011

11x14 oil on canvas
Oh, dear it is official, I am not a flower painter. I attempted a few this week, all wipe outs and one so bad, I just threw it in the trash. As I wailed and threw fits, my sweet husband very confidently suggested, "just paint like Nancy Medina". As you know it doesn't quite work like that, but I do like that a few posts down she refers to a glass of wine, now that I can do.
Ann Rogers encouraged me to post this painting. She and I went out last spring together and painted one day in the Turtle Creek area of Dallas. Each Spring the azaleas put on a show and just scream paint me, so we did!
My blog.
My website.
Angela Elledge,
Ann Rogers,
Nancy Medina,
Plein Air,
Turtle Creek
Saturday, February 26, 2011
"Tulips" by Ann Rogers
9 x 12
oil on gessoed hardboard
Spring is just around the corner and we are beginning to see small buds on the trees, the tulips will be next!
Friday, February 25, 2011
IRIS by Linda Popple
6x6 Oil on Ampersand Gessobord
Central Market had these beautiful irises and of course I bought them. It's a reminder that spring is just around the corner - at least officially! With this weather we are having and seeing some of the trees beginning to leaf spring is already here in Texas!
Click HERE to view my blog.
$65.00 free shipping in US
daily painting,
floral still life,
Linda Popple
Monday, February 21, 2011
Things To Be - Sunflowers by Nancy Medina
Things To Be Sunflowers is the newest work in Flower Mound Studio, and is a contemplative piece that finished my evening. I often paint carefully, with a goal and plan. At the end of hours of this precision, I pull out a blank canvas, pour a glass of wine, and see if I can paint something in under 20 minutes letting my subconscious pull from the materials at hand, with as little forethought as possible. You can see the inspiration for Things To Be on my Art Blog.
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

6x6 Oil on Ampersand Gessobord
Click HERE to view my blog.
I bought these flowers at Central Market. These white ones were beautiful and there were also purple ones. They have long strong stems. They are very unusual and fun to paint.
$65.00 free shipping in US
Monday, February 14, 2011
Bee Industrious by Kirk Witmer
Oil on Masonite - 8"x10" (20x25cm)
I got really lucky one day last summer as I was practicing with my telephoto lens. All set up on the tripod and just as I was about to push the shutter button a bee flew by yelling "HEY!!! I wanna be in the picture too!" and jumped onto this Mexican sunflower. What more could a guy ask for!
I had fun with the background on this as I tried to capture the blurring you get with a shallow depth of field from using a longer lens.
I like for my paintings to tell a story so I normally don't paint flowers because I can never figure out what story they might bring to mind. But this was on my inspiration board and I thought I'd move it up to a priority to get it in for this months "Flowers" challenge on "Some Texas Artists Like to Paint". Hope the ladies over there like this flower I painted for them! :)
I got really lucky one day last summer as I was practicing with my telephoto lens. All set up on the tripod and just as I was about to push the shutter button a bee flew by yelling "HEY!!! I wanna be in the picture too!" and jumped onto this Mexican sunflower. What more could a guy ask for!
I had fun with the background on this as I tried to capture the blurring you get with a shallow depth of field from using a longer lens.
I like for my paintings to tell a story so I normally don't paint flowers because I can never figure out what story they might bring to mind. But this was on my inspiration board and I thought I'd move it up to a priority to get it in for this months "Flowers" challenge on "Some Texas Artists Like to Paint". Hope the ladies over there like this flower I painted for them! :)
Email the artist at:
Sunday, February 13, 2011
French Iris

These are real French Iris, that is, I found them in France. They were growing along a wall in Burgundy and reminded me of a Van Gogh painting I had seen somewhere. They actually look bluer in this photo than I painted them. I just can't get the right colors which are more lavender and purple. I haven't mastered the photo editing "thing" yet.
Cactus Buds by Sharon Hodges, 11x14
I may be pushing the edge of our definition of 'flowers' this month, but I love cactus in bloom, especially the moment just before the pods burst open with the yellow flowers. That's when I painted this one...the yellow flowers are pushing their way out and will soon be screaming for attention. Now, they are just a whisper. If you have interest in this painting, please contact me. To see more of my work, please visit my blog or website. Thanks for looking!
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Iris Blooms by Sharon Hodges
"Sunflowers in Blue and White" by Ann Rogers
8 x 10
oil on stretched canvas
Haven't been painting many flowers lately, but when I do, sunflowers are a favorite. They say "summer" anytime of the year and are especially welcomed during our recent frigid temps throughout Texas this month!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
Shelf Life by Mitzi Easley
Shelf Life: Kitchen, Top Right by Mitzi Easley
8x8, oil on panel
I hope these primroses qualify me for the February "flower" theme. I greatly admire my fellow artists who paint flowers so beautifully. I attempt it faithfully about twice a year - and always when the little pots of primroses arrive at the grocery store. Click here to see last year's variety. Visit my blog to see more in this recent still life series titled 'Shelf Life.'
art for sale,
impressionistic painting,
Mitzi Easley,
Oil on panel,
Monday, February 7, 2011
Cone flower by Carol Morgan
Saturday, February 5, 2011
"One Big Happy Family" by Gwen Bell

12 x 12" oil on canvas SOLD
Thought this group of Shasta Daisies looked like
a bright, happy family. Dad is the big yellow,
Mom is the solid red, little brother is yellow like his
Dad and the twin girls take after both parents.
original oil painting by gwen bell,
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Silent Serendipity White Poppies Nancy Medina

by Nancy Medina
Oil on Linen Board
My Daily Painters Gallery
Nancy Medina Web Site
Nancy Medina Art Blog
Silent Serendipity was a fitting work to close out a long year in Flower Mound Studio. I could see 2010 as a terrible year, the year my mother became so ill, the year that my little pug Howard had to go to the emergency room. Instead I will see it as the year my mother miraculously got better after the doctor told us there was no hope. I will see it as the year we realized Howard was sick enough to get to the hospital immediately, and so his life was saved.
Sometimes life is so busy and noisy, I forget there is another way of seeing. I have so much to be thankful for!
Lazy Daisy by Carol Morgan
Wishing it was as warm and sunny as the day I photographed this little daisy,right now. Thanks for taking time to look at this blog on this cold and icy day.
Floral by Texas Artist Kay Wyne
18" x 18" Oil on Canvas
This colorful floral was inspired by a beautiful arrangement that my daughter recieved when she graduated from college. Actually, it now hangs in a home in Chicago, Illinois. I stepped out of my comfort zone with the turqoise and orange paint. Lots of wide brushstrokes and bold colors. Thanks for viewing! Stay warm...I think it is another icey day in Dallas. Kay
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
In the Garden of Eternal Spring by Kirk Witmer
18 x 24" - Oil on masonite
Well ... hey! It's got flowers in it! :) (Those daffodils were tough!)
Email the artist at:
If you'd like to get advance notice of my upcoming works before they're even listed at auction, click here to submit your email.
Floral Palette Knife Painting by Kay Wyne
24" x 24" Oil on Canvas
Still life palette knife hanging at Dutch Art Gallery in Dallas, Texas. I used oil sticks, oil paints, brushes and knives on this painting. As usual, I have alot of color going, and have a loose look on the canvs. Thanks for viewing this blog and the art posted here by Texas Artists!!!! Kay
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