Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Pass the Salt by Roxanne Spradlin

Pass the Salt!.................11 x 9..................acrylic on canvas...................$125

Sometimes, I 'day dream' about my childhood....remembering people and places, memories and special moments that touched my life. Sweet visits, laughter and lessons learned. Though many are gone, they are embedded in my heart and there we can visit often.
Painting these memories are another way to keep them, and the joy they bring alive. Pass the Salt, is dedicated to the memory of the 'one hundred times' our family gathered around an old table, to cut an ice cold watermelon.
So grab a fork and pass the salt!
Blue skies!
Roxanne Spradlin


  1. What a beautiful memory, and dream...and paintng to bring those memories back to life. Well done, Roxanne.

  2. A beautiful painting, Roxanne. I am so glad to hear someone else salts their watermelon. My husband thinks I'm crazy for loving the salt, now i can tell him I'm in good company. My childhood watermelon memories include eating watermelon outside at my grandparent's farm, then giving the watermelon rinds to the ducks and chickens. I loved to watch them peck at the rinds.
