This painting has a misty/watercolor look to it. It is hanging at The Wine Therapist in Dallas right now. It is an oil painting, but does have a watercolor look to it. I am posting it because of the colorful sky. The artists reception was last night, but the show will hang until Dec. 12, 2010. Here is the info:
The National League of American Pen Women, Dallas Branch
Expressions 2010, A Visual Arts Competition
The Wine Therapist in Lakewood
November 6 – December 12, 2010
Yesterday was a reception at the Dutch Art Gallery for The Artists of Texas...wonderful art and fabulous artists were there. It was fun to finally meeting some of the artists who post on daily blogs. Gwen Bell was there, and even though we live a few miles apart, I had not met her in person. (I knew her art, but not the artist!) Ann Rogers came through the doors, and it was great to see her. I must say that I got distracted and did not get a chance to really visit with everyone. The turn-out was great. I amazed at the wonderful art... a really good art at the show. Thanks to Pam Massar for all of her hard work. If you missed the reception yesterday, here is the show info:
Where Texas Finds Its Color
The Artists of Texas - Second Annual State Show
November 2 - December 31, 2010
The Dutch Art Gallery
10233 East Northwest Highway Suite 420
I have been away from my easel and blog for about two weeks....I was in an automobile accident and I was sidelined for a while. But I am back! I hope to be posting some new paintings. Have an artful day! Thanks for looking at my blog...Kay