Monday, April 30, 2012
Monday, April 2, 2012
New Life - by Kay Wyne

This scripture has special meaning for me. When I starting painting, “A New Life” I was thinking that a butterfly was a symbol of new life. Something that is new, fresh, colorful and full of life.
I started painting this butterfly about a year and a half ago. At that time, my mother of 83 years was in failing health, and her decline in health was evident. I was painting along, thinking that a butterfly was a beautiful creature, and suddenly I was called away. My mother had passed away. It was expected, but unexpected. It was a sorrowful time for our family.
When I returned to the unfinished canvas, I recalled the memorial service for my mother, and one of the scripture readings was II Corinthians 5:17. I could now go ahead and finish the painting. I needed to put new life and color on the canvas. Knowing that God is with us. The painting was hanging during the RLBC Arts Festival last year, and then sold during the show.